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 หัวข้อกระทู้ :Geek states Packers' 2024 draft class has unfavorable value.. 05-06-2024 22:17:30 


There are lots of ways to skin the feline on draft qualities. This takes the cake, the Cap's Jason Fitzgerald created a post on Sunday titled "The Wage Cap Expenses and Worth Included from the 2024 NFL Draft. " In it, his information claims that the Green Bay Packers declined with the draft options they turned in this to Fitzgerald, his numbers demonstrate how a lot the expected expense per period each team's novice course is going make-- which in the Packers' instance is a collective $16. 7 million for 11 draft choices. After that he determined the "expected value" for a blind pick at each draft slot. For Eco-friendly Bay, that number equated to $46. 6 million each year in last action was to contrast the draft slot's worth to the "expected value" of a player's position composed at the slot, which he confesses himself skews greatly for teams that choose a quarterback. How heavily does it prefer quarterbacks? The Denver Broncos and Atlanta Falcons-- who were chuckled at for drafting Bo Nix and Michael Penix so high in the draft-- ranking amongst the leading four teams in the NFL for value included the 2024 this baseline value-added lens, the Packers were approximated to draft $44. 09 million annually in value, despite entering the draft with the assumption that they would hit the $46. 6 million mark. Due to that, Fitzgerald asserts that Green Bay added -5. 3 percent of value with their 2024 draft course, the second-worst mark in the organization. Below's what he needed to state concerning that: The worst draft went to the Raiders at 11% under the baseline worth. This was driven by going limited end and guard early in the draft and afterwards investing draft funding on safety, running back, and linebacker late. The Packers went to -5. 3% with a run on linebackers, securities, and running backs. When you think about that they obtained a boost by composing a QB late, this was equally as bad as the quarterback options, which for the Packers suggests taking out seventh-round choice Michael Pratt from the information set, Environment-friendly Bay added -10. 2 percent of worth through the draft-- per Fitzgerald. Just one other group in the NFL was also listed below -3. 6 percent in that stat, the Las Vegas , just how Fitzgerald computed these expected value evaluations is unidentified, but the overall portion of the value-added column for the 2024 draft adds up to +600 percent approximately +18. 75 percent per team) with the column omitting quarterbacks adding up to +258. 40 percent +8. 08 percent per team). So, as a whole, the draft course skews favorable as opposed to averaging bent on 0. Ultimately, what Fitzgerald is measuring is that the Packers had his third-highest projected value based on the agreements related to their draft ports, but that they ended up simply 13th in forecasted value once Fitzgerald made up the placements they composed. This, likely, is due to the team not taking quarterbacks or receivers high in the draft, positions where they were already young, talented and affordable in 2024. There simply needs to be a better way of looking at the draft than seeing if groups picked passers or pass-catchers Packers Store. We can do far better.

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